The summer holidays are here and while some people have headed to their holiday destination, others are relaxing at home. No matter what you choose this year, pet owners must take responsible care and plan ahead for their pets.
For this reason, Afrivet shared some tips of how you can ensure your furry friend is comfortable, taken care of and content this festive season.
• For your pet’s safety, ensure it has a name tag or has been microchipped before you leave. Make sure it’s updated with all your latest contact details. This will help you find them, should they get lost.
• Remember to pack their vaccination card.
• If you know that your pet is a nervous traveller or expect loud noises or thunderstorms, you can contact get a calming collar or calming spray.
• Locate your nearest veterinary practice ahead of your trip for quick and easy access, should veterinary assistance be needed during your holiday.
• Pack plenty of your pets’ regular brands of pet food.
• Choose accommodation that is pet friendly and pack adequate bedding.
When travelling with your pooch:
• Keeping water in a bottle and not relying only on a bowl during travel can make it easier for your family and pets to have fresh drinking water on the drive.
• In a car, ventilation is extremely important in hot weather so try to avoid travelling in the heat of the day. Keep your car fully ventilated and do not put your pet in the boot.
• If the car is hotter than normal, place cool or damp cloths or long-pulled grass in the carrier with your pet.
• Remember to make regular stops every two to three hours to give your pet clean and fresh water. Cool, clean water is essential and must be available for them to drink at free will.
• If your pet refuses water, seek veterinary assistance.
If you’re travelling by ’plane, did you know that some airlines will not transport animals on extremely hot days? Take that into account when making bookings.
• Make sure new bowls or buckets, are at the right height for your pet to access the water inside, and that it’s always full.
• To add fun to the holiday, let your pets run through water sprays or swim under supervision.
• On beach days, restrict your pets from drinking seawater while they are swimming and always provide alternative fresh water to encourage them to skip the salt water, which will dehydrate them.
• If your pets have such a great time at the beach and have covered themselves in sand and salt water, simply rinse them off with clean water to get rid of excess salt and sand.
When leaving your pet at home:
• You are responsible for your pet’s safety and health, even if you can’t be with them. Book your pet into a pet kennel or hotel, or arrange for a pet sitter to visit your home at least twice a day.
• When leaving your pet home take precautions to ensure they’re comfortable:
• Don’t leave your pet in a locked house with windows closed. Ventilation is vital.
• Don’t leave your pet without access to clean cool water.
• A pet sitter must change the water bowl during every visit.
• Ensure the person taking care of your pet is responsible and knows what to do and when (especially when medication must be administered).
• Check in with the pet sitter as often as you can.
If you’re staying home:
• If supervised, your pets either swim or run around in sprayers to cool down on hot days.
• Ensure ample access to clean drinking water.
• During thumderstorms, stay calm and provide reassurance. If you are calm and relaxed, they will sense this peace in you. Bring pets inside so they can access a safe place. Try and distract your pets through play or let them lie close to you as you pet them. Give them healthy treats and don’t lock them in a room or tie them up.
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